Friday, November 14, 2008

Link to the CCCC's blog on diversity

Hi everyone,
I've really found reading this blog stimulating. Thanks to all for your contributions.

I wanted to be sure that you're all aware that the CCCC sponsors a blog on diversity. Here's a link to the most current post by Morris Young from the University of Wisconsin:

I think you'll particularly find his thoughts on the problematic nature of the term "diversity" interesting.


Beth Godbee said...

Hi everyone,

Here's the new blog by Rebecca Dingo:

There will be new blog postings every two weeks on the CCCC Conversations on Diversity. Should we consider something similar -- asking "guest bloggers" to commit to posting once every other week?

So excited about this new blog!

Beth Godbee :-)

Beth Godbee said...

Another great entry is posted on the CCCC Conversations on Diversity.

I'm especially excited about this new one, because the blogger -- Eric Pritchard -- is a former University of Wisconsin-Madison colleague of mine, and I have learned so much from him!

His blog is titled "Pathways to Diversity: Social Justice and the Multiplicity of Identities."

Here's the link:


write good thesis said...

Good blog you recommend here. Already visit it and found a lots of fun there. Cool, thanks